Avoid complex and expensive components

Enjoy Simple & Efficient Technology

The typical technology stack needed to develop and operate an enterprise application is complex and expensive. Structr is an integrated platform with only few and cost-effective technical components that are optimized for their intended use, simple to integrate and easy to maintain.

Too good to be true? We don't think so.

There are a couple of reasons why it's great to work with Structr as a developer.

Ready-to-run environment

To start working with Structr, all you need is to download and extract a file. After starting the Structr process, login with the default credentials and start building your app.

There are no further technical components needed to get you going, everything you need to develop and run apps is already integrated.

Open source, APIs and formats

Structr is Open Source, you find the complete source code on GitHub.

And Structr is open in another way: To interact with other systems and services, you can use any kind of open APIs and formats like HTTP, JSON, XML.

Freedom of choice

Structr can be run almost on any operating system platform. The only requirement is that the OS supports running a JVM (Java Virtual Machine).

To define active and dynamic components in Structr, you can use a simple scripting language or simply JavaScript.

Login and be productive

As a developer there is nothing more annoying than having to deal with boring but complicated routine tasks.

With Structr, you can skip most of these thanks to the built-in functionality that let's you start with a head start.

Be technically a leap ahead

The best data persistence technology available for fastest queries on complex, connected and semantically enrichted data.

Structr uses the graph database Neo4j as a persistence engine for all kinds of data. This means that all Structr users automatically benefit from the power of the Neo4j graph platform.

Be independent

With Structr, you can do most tasks like data modeling, data binding, defining logic and building web applications through one single tool.

No need to explain your thoughts and requirements to your colleagues and wait until they have finished their tasks.

commits since 2011

commits last month to master

309,354 lines of code

current contributors

Structr on GitHub

The complete source code is hosted at GitHub.

Watch and star the repository to keep track of any changes to the code base.

The Structr project on Github

"Teamwork with heart and mind!"

"Together with Structr, we have developed a tool that allows our employees outside development to independently manage the areas in our database that are relevant to them."
Dr. Nikita Mattar
Head of Software Development – Plan.One GmbH

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Getting started

Start your personal and free sandbox at https://structr.com/services/start-sandbox. As a developer, you can simply run Structr as a Docker container.

You can find everything you need to know about Docker installation at https://github.com/structr/docker-setup. How to create an application with Structr is shown in detail in this tutorial.

Start Sandbox