All in all, we worked closely with the client to sort out, clean up and restructure in a meaningful way.
Visualizing the data allowed the Southern Wind team to uncover hidden inconsistencies in the data connections. The new perspective they gained through visualization revealed insights that drove clarity in the company’s structure and the elimination of redundancies.
The result is a database that creates a single source of truth of responsibilities and project steps and keeps the company clean, modern and focused on what matters. All data was named and assigned consistently. Dependencies were mapped correctly and data was stored redundancy-free in the graph database.
All project participants have gained access to a common resource pool with up-to-date information in real time and clear project plans. With the Structr solution, the SWS team benefits in many ways.
Project work is facilitated by the detailed interactive dashboards that visually represent the projects down to the smallest detail.
The system also features an integrated and easy-to-use user interface, filtering and sorting capabilities that allow users to create custom views on the data and quickly find relevant items and a custom database of standard data that can be included in new projects.
The company can build on this basis in the long term and well prepared for the future.